Free Credit Score Calculator from ZilchWorks

Free Credit Score Calculator

Do you know your credit score?

Our free credit score calculator will give you a fairly accurate estimate of your credit score. Answer these five simple questions and we will calculate your credit score for you, no strings attached.

Your Score:

(click Calculate My Credit Score)
1.  How many times have you applied for credit in the last six months?
2.  Do you have any of the following entries listed on your credit report?
  • Bankruptcy
  • Charge Off
  • Currently Past Due
  • Forclosure
  • Judgement
  • Serious Late Payment (90+ days)
  • Settlement
  • Tax Lien
  • 3.  How many of the following open or closed accounts are listed on your credit report?
    Auto Loans. . . . . . . . . . .
    Department Store Cards  
    Major Credit Cards. . . . .
    Mortgages . . . . . . . . . . .
    Student Loans . . . . . . . .
    Other Loans. . . . . . . . . .
    4.  How old is your oldest active credit card, loan or mortgage?
    5.  Identify your total credit limit and total available credit of your open credit cards.
    Total Credit Limit
    Available Credit
    Testimonial scroll

    ❝Thank you. Your program helped me get out of debt fast.❞

    I was looking through my cancelled checks to shred old records and found a check to you for Zilch written on 10/3/1999 for $34.00. Money well spent.

    Thank you. Your program helped me get out of debt fast. Shortly after I started using Zilch I was eligible to buy a house and have almost never carried a balance into the next month.

    Thanks again.

    Rodney Nibbe - Minnesota