Get out of debt in 18 months!

How Zilch Works

Step 2 - Enter information

How Zilch Works Steps 1 through 6

Step 2 - Enter information about your debts.

Start by clicking the Add... button on the main screen. When you click the Add... button you will be presented with a simple, easy to use form in a pop-up window. This is how you input the information you collected on the data entry worksheet from Step 1.

( ZilchWorks Main Screen )

Use the simple Add Creditor Information form and enter the following information for each debt.

  • Creditor Name
  • Annual Percentage Rate
  • Current Balance
  • Monthly Payment
  • Credit Card
  • Loan/Mortgage

Click the OK button when you are done.

( Add Creditor Information Form )

After you have competed entering all the creditor information your screen should look similar to this:

( Add Creditor Information Complete )

How Zilch Works Steps 1 through 6
Testimonial scroll

❝I'm going to use ZilchWorks to pay off my mortgage and get out of debt as fast as I can.❞

I have a goal, which is to retire soon and spend time with my 2 awesome grandsons, ages 6 and 8. You are going to help make that happen because I'm going to use ZilchWorks to pay off my mortgage and get out of debt as fast as I can.

I originally learned about your software from a friend who uses it. She swears by it! In the past I have used a debt management company to pay off $32,000 of credit card debt, and am paying my last $1,000 on those cards. It has taken 8 long years. I wish I had known about this program before paying that company $45 a month to do what I could have done myself in a shorter length of time.

Thank you for creating this awesome software. God bless you.

Marlena B. - Canton, Texas
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