Get out of debt in 18 months!

How Zilch Works

Step 3 - Add Pledge Money

How Zilch Works Steps 1 through 6

Step 3 - Add Pledge Money

What is Pledge Money?

Pledge Money is optional. Pledge Money is the extra amount of money you can add toward your debt repayment plan each and every month. The more Pledge Money you use, the faster you will get out of debt, and the more money you will save.

This short video explains what Pledge Money is and how it is used within your debt payment plan.

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( Video: Pledge Money )

Click the Pledge Money button on the main screen. When you click on the Pledge Money button you will be presented with a simple pop-up box where you enter the Pledge Money amount.

( Add Pledge Money )

Enter the Pledge Money amount. Click the OK button when you are done.

( Pledge Money Box )

After you have competed entering Pledge Money your screen should look similar to this:

( Add Pledge Money Complete )

How Zilch Works Steps 1 through 6
Testimonial scroll

❝I am happy to tell the world that ZilchWorks can get you out of debt fast.❞

You'd think someone with a Finance degree would be able to avoid debt, but my husband and I hadn't avoided it. I had quit working to raise our family, and two of our children had major medical bills. We found ourselves in over $80,000 of mostly unsecured debt. I was desperate when I found ZilchWorks. Your software was like a ray of light shining in on our dark situation.

When I SAW, that we could be debt free by 2011, even though that was years away, it was just the motivation I needed. The printed reports have been vital in our success. They keep me on track when I am tempted to spend money I shouldn't be. I keep them handy so I can glance at them and remind myself where we are headed. The idea that we will have financial freedom THIS YEAR is exhilarating!

I now have the desire to help others get out of their debt situations, so I am happy to tell the world that ZilchWorks can get you out of debt fast. And by the way, this is a “paid” testimony... we've been “paid” all the interest that would have been shelled out to lenders had I not found this program.

I pray we never find ourselves back in the credit card mess we were in. But if for some emergency we do, I will have the tools ZilchWorks taught me to get us out of it!

Lovina Penry - California
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